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What is Balsamic Vinegar?

What is Balsamic Vinegar? Today the Spilamberto Consorteria will explain it to you. We would like to congratulate them on the beautiful and innovative initiative regarding the lessons on how to make Traditional Balsamic Vinegar of Modena. For the first time, the Consorteria has decided to continue the lessons online. The first lessons began last February at the Museum of Traditional Balsamic Vinegar of Modena.

Not everything that happens is bad (we refer to the measures activated to prevent Codiv-19). I am a lover of the online world and I appreciate seeing that we are starting using more contemporary methods of communication.

As you all know, many activities have been temporarily suppressed to avoid gatherings of people and, at the same time, to counter the spread of the virus. People are now forced to stay at home and the Consortium of Spilamberto (one of the main institution when we talk about Balsamic) have decided to adopt alternative ways to continue the activities.

The big number of students have attended the online lessons together with a few dozen of old members. The big participation confirmed the right choice to adopt different ways to have lessons. In the virtual classes, 75 pupils have participated. They have got the opportunity to follow the lessons comfortably at home seated on their sofa.


Grand Master Maurizio Fini has confirmed that there have never been so many adhesions as this year.
The new members of the ABTM course for Aspiring Tasters have followed the lessons with great enthusiasm. Also, the old members have got the opportunity to attend and refresh their knowledge of the product.

If we want to look for the negative side of this situation, for the moment it has not been possible to organize the ABTM tasting evenings, but only for the moment.

Grand Master has confirmed that as soon as possible, the frontal tasting lessons will resume immediately. We can’t way!
Tasting Traditional is always a good and unique experience.

How do you make Balsamic Vinegar at home?

We advise you to take a look at these articles. You will discover interesting curiosities of this extraordinary and unique product in the world.

It’s all for now, we wish you a happy reading of the articles and we would like to remind you to STAY HOME.

Greetings from Modena.