TimeLine Layout

December, 2019

  • 31 December

    Balsamic Vinegar or Wine Vinegar?

    Balsamic Vinegar or Wine Vinegar

    This is the story about Giuseppe. At one point in his life, he asked himself: “Balsamic Vinegar or Wine Vinegar?”. But first of all, Giuseppe tells us how his passion started. About 40 years ago, he transformed his wine vinegar production into the valuable Modenese Balsamic Vinegar. When we met …

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  • 27 December

    Prawns and Gioielli di Balsamico

    Prawns and Gioielli di Balsamico

    Are you looking for an easy and fast recipe to prepare? We suggest you this option: Prawns and Gioielli di Balsamico. You will discover an interesting use of the Modenese Balsamic and the fact the can be combined with so many different foods. Shellfish and Balsamic Vinegar? A curious union …

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  • 24 December

    De Negris Vs ABM Consortium PGI

    De Negris Vs ABM Consortium PGI

    De Negris Vs ABM Consortium PGI: clashes at the top. In the last articles, we have talked about of the European Union Court of Justice’s judgment and the new nomination of Armando De Nigris as Advisor of the European Commission for Environment, Public Health and Food Safety. Today we would …

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  • 22 December

    # MOchebelmuseo : Consorteria di Spilamberto


    The MOchebelmuseo initiative promoted by the Gazzetta of Modena continues. The project is about discovering museums and Modena traditions. The location this time has been the Villa Fabriani, headquarters of the Consortium and the Museum of Traditional Balsamic Vinegar. This time the guests were the young students of the Primary …

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  • 20 December

    Salted Cannolo with tuna and Gioielli di Balsamico

    Salted Cannolo with tuna

    Who said that Cannolo is only a sweet food? The salted Cannolo with tuna, spreadable cheese and Gioielli di Balsamico is a good alternative. The sweet Cannolo becomes a special second course. In this recipe, Maria Cucina combines Sicily and Emilia Romagna’s tastes. The result is a unique meal. Ingredients: …

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  • 17 December

    Traditional Balsamic Vinegar Consortium of Modena

    Traditional Balsamic Vinegar Consortium of Modena

    Talking about a unique Traditional Balsamic Vinegar Consortium of Modena is not correct. There are two different Consortia officially recognized institutions for the protection of our Modenese black gold, the Balsamic PDO. The first institution is “Consortium for the Protection of Traditional Balsamic Vinegar of Modena” and the second one …

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  • 13 December

    Museum of Traditional Balsamic and Instagram

    Museum of Traditional Balsamic and Instagram

    The Museum of Traditional Balsamic and Instagram: history and centuries-old traditions meet the Social Media World and its young Influencers. This is the first stop of the #MOchebelmuseo. It is a very interesting initiative organized by the Gazzetta of Modena. The object of this project is to approach some Influencers …

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  • 10 December

    Quick Starter: Mortadella, Balsamic Vinegar

    quick starter

    When the holidays are coming one of the main problems is what to prepare to eat. Quick Starter: Mortadella Mozzarella Balsamic Vinegar and pistachio grain can be the perfect solution. This is the reason why I am sharing with you this simple and tasty starter today. Try to make this …

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  • 5 December

    Balsamic Vinegar is not only from Modena

    Today’s new will create a big rumour among the producers: Balsamic Vinegar is not only from Modena! This is the Court of Justice of the European Union’s judgment. The issue has started a few time ago because of the use of the term Balsamic by a German company “Balema GmbH”. …

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  • 3 December

    Balsamic Vinegar is part of the EU-China Agreement

    Balsamic Vinegar is part of the EU-China Agreement

    Today, with great enthusiasm, we inform you that Balsamic Vinegar is part of the EU-China Agreement regarding PDO/PGI products. The Balsamic Vinegar of Modena will be included in the list of 100 PDOs/PGIs protected by China. Balsamic Vinegar is part of the EU-China Agreement signed by European Agriculture Commissioner Phil …

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