TimeLine Layout

February, 2020

  • 7 February

    Acetaia Campioni Story Balsamic Vinegar

    Acetaia Campioni Story

    Franca, the owner, tells us the Acetaia Campioni Story. “I have always lived in the town of Roccamalatina, on the Modena Apennines. The height is 500 meters above sea level. People know the town for its healthy air and for the beautiful Sassi of Roccamalatina Natural Park. The characteristic of …

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  • 4 February

    Braised Lingua with Balsamic Vinegar

    Braised Lingua with Balsamic Vinegar

    Braised Lingua with Balsamic Vinegar: it takes more time but it definitely will be worth it! Another dish of the Modenese tradition where Balsamic is the protagonist. Unique and unrepeatable flavours for a second course that you will not forget. Ingredients: 1 whole beef tonguebottle of Lambrusco Grasparossa of Castelvetro1 …

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January, 2020

  • 31 January

    List of Vinegar Cellars of Modena: Producers and Traders

    List of Vinegar cellars of modena

    List of Vinegar Cellars of Modena, Producers and TradersThe panorama of Modena professionals in the sector. List of Acetaie di Modena, Producers and Traders of Traditional Balsamic Vinegar of Modena DOP, Balsamic Vinegar of Modena PGI, Balsamic Condiments, Balsamic Glazes Wine Vinegar and other products. This list can be modified …

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  • 27 January

    Tasters Course of Balsamic Vinegar

    Tasters Course of Balsamic Vinegar

    The “Consorteria” organizes for the year 2020 the Tasters Course of Balsamic Vinegar. The XXXVI Training Course for Aspiring Students of Traditional Balsamic Vinegar aims to protect the production of Traditional Balsamic Vinegar of Modena. It wants to impart correct information on the characteristics of the centuries-old product and to …

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  • 24 January

    Malagoli Daniele Acetaia

    Malagoli Daniele Acetaia

    Today’s story is an example of how the tradition is handed down and renewed from generation to generation. The Malagoli Daniele Acetaia has a strong bond in the Modenese culture. It is the demonstration of the passion for the traditions and the young business spirit. Sofia Malagoli tells us about …

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  • 20 January

    Sea Bream Fillets with Balsamic

    Sea bream fillets with Balsamic

    Sea bream fillets with Traditional Balsamic Vinegar of Modena and lobster sauce is an original fish dish. Find out how to prepare a tasty and refined second course. A different way to savour the fillet of sea bream. A recipe that will amaze you. Do you want to spend some …

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  • 16 January

    The new store by Acetaia Giusti

    The new store by Acetaia Giusti

    Today we talk about the new store by Acetaia Giusti. One of the most antique brands of Modena has opened a new shop in the Old Town: “Bottega di Piazza Grande”. The idea is to not only selling the products but also to tell about the history of the Balsamic …

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  • 12 January

    Pumpkin Tortelloni and Balsamic Vinegar

    Pumpkin Tortelloni and Balsamic Vinegar

    Today we suggest the pumpkin Tortelloni and Balsamic Vinegar if you are looking for a meal that contains high nutritional values ​​and various beneficial properties. The pumpkin Tortelloni is a typical ingredient from Mantova. Along with the Balsamic Vinegar, the pumpkin Tortelloni become a very special first course. The sweet …

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  • 8 January

    Mixing meets Traditional Balsamic Vinegar

    Mixing meets Traditional Balsamic Vinegar

    Mixing meets Traditional Balsamic Vinegar thanks to the particular characteristics of this product. It is typical of Italian food and wine culture and can become an ingredient for cocktails. Fabio Bacchi, international Bartending star, during the last Milan Whiskey Festival, prepared three drinks based on Traditional Balsamic Vinegar of Modena …

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  • 4 January

    The Consortium of Balsamic Vinegar of Modena

    The Consortium of Balsamic Vinegar of Modena

    The Consortium of Balsamic Vinegar of Modena PGI denomination is wrong! The correct name is: “Consortium for the Protection of Balsamic Vinegar of Modena”. Protection is the word that better identified the activity done by this Institution. Total protection that includes: product production control, violence against counterfeiting and commercial promotion. …

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