TimeLine Layout

November, 2018

  • 16 November

    Ratatouille with Traditional Balsamic Vinegar


    Today we propose you a classical recipe that really can’t miss in your weekly menu: the ratatouille with Balsamic Vinegar! We suggest you to bring this dish to your dinner table for a meatless day! Ingredients for the base 6 Egyptian onions 1 clove of minced garlic 8 friggitelli 3 …

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  • 13 November

    De Nigris’ Vinegar at Ciottolando 2018


    De nigris’ Traditional Balsamic Vinegar was one of the protagonist of Ciottolando con gusto 2018, the incredible gastronomic event hosted at Melcesine (VR) from 22nd to 23rd of September. Food lovers had the chance to participate to a real “Balsamic Experience” that delighted their palates, leaving them without breath. The Nigris Group,  one …

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  • 9 November

    Sea bass fillet with Original Balsamic Vinegar

    sea bass

    Today we propose you a very easy and fast recipe that will bring color and wellness to your table: the crispy sea bass fillet with spicy sauce and Original Balsamic Vinegar of Modena. Ingredients for 4 people 4 sea bass (400 grams each) a bowl of already cooked tomato sauce …

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  • 6 November

    Bottura’s restaurant is the best in the world

    Bottura's restaurant

    Bottura’s restaurant Osteria Francescana of Modena is the best restaurant in the world of 2018. The starred chef’s menu boasts many innovative and fancy dishes, some of which are enriched with Traditional Balsamic Vinegar of Modena P.D.O. Keep on reading to discover the whole à la carte menu of this …

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  • 2 November

    Songino salad with walnuts, apples and Vinegar

    Songino salad

    The recipe of today is a super light dish: songino salad with walnuts, green apples and Traditional Balsamic Vinegar of Modena P.D.O. This side dish is full of flavor and has many healthy properties! Here’s how to make it! Ingredients for 4 people 500 gr of Songino type salad 3 green …

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October, 2018

  • 30 October

    Balsamic Vinegar and food fraud

    food fraud

    Cases of food fraud and Italian sounding are constantly increasing; in recent years ICQRF (Inspectorate for food fraud) has been trying to control the situation and limit these illegal phenomena but it isn’t always easy. Recently, the black gold of Modena became one of the victims. In fact, an imitation of …

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  • 26 October

    Figs with raw ham and Balsamic Vinegar

    figs with raw ham

    Figs with raw ham and Traditional Balsamic Vinegar of Modena P.D.O. is a dish simple and unique at the same time. If you are looking for something to delight your guests’ palates without spending too much time, this is the recipe for you! It will conquer all your guests! The …

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  • 23 October

    PONTI apple vinegar’s new campaign

    apple vinegar

    The famous Balsamic Vinegar producer PONTI bets on its apple vinegar: the new campaign of the product is on air since September 16th 2018. The campaign is the first one which is entirely dedicated to a vinegar made only with Italian apples and was created by the historic partner of …

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  • 19 October

    Watermelon salad with Balsamic Vinegar

    watermelon salad

    The sweet & savory watermelon salad is a real explosion of taste, but also of nutrients. In fact, water melon is a fruit rich in lycopene, a nutrient responsible for the red color of fruit; furthermore, at a nutritional level it seems to have a protective action against certain types …

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  • 16 October

    Vinegar cellar “Borgo del Balsamico”

    Borgo del Balsamico

    Today we talk about  “Borgo del Balsamico”, a vinegar cellar located in Botteghe di Albinea, in the province of Reggio Emilia. “Borgo del Balsamico” is much more than a Vinegar cellar; in fact, it is an historical and artistic building which serves also as residence four tourists in love with …

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